DeerDomestic Meat Processing Video DVD




Q.M.P. – Quality Meat Processing©

So you didn't get a deer this year? Your family doesn't like wild game? Maybe the economy is taking a toll on your finances and you would like to save some money on your food bill. Perhaps you're a do it yourselfer and just want to know how to process meat on your own the right way. If any of these sound familiar then this is the page for you.

Many people don't realize that the meat industry of today has made it possible for anyone with the interest and desire to be able to make most of their favorite meat cuts right at home with only a sharp knife.

By producing you favorite cuts at home you can save 30% - 40% (sometimes even more) over the cost of buying the same cuts in the supermarket. The savings you realize by cutting the primals featured, will more than cover the cost of the video. Let us welcome you to our video series on cutting domestic meats.

Meat Processing VideoQMP - Quality Meat Processing©: Volume 1 (49 min.)
Beef Tenderloins & Boneless Pork Loins

It's no coincidence that the most popular cuts are also the more expensive ones. That's why we've chosen Beef Tenderloins and Boneless Pork Loins as the primals featured in our first domestic meats video. We'll show you how to cut, trim, and properly package and wrap the cuts for maximum freezer life.

From the Tenderloin you'll learn how to make straight cut steaks, butterflied steaks, steaks for stuffing, roasts and more.

With the pork loin you'll discover seventeen cuts that you can make in order to give your family a vast diversity of meals. Including boneless ribs, chops, and roasts.

In less than one hour you will be able to properly cut, package, and wrap beef tenderloins and boneless pork loins at home, while saving your family a fair amount of money at the same time.
Let us teach you to be meat cutter at home! > Purchase this DVD in our online store